President's Message
I feel immensely fortunate to be a part of Aanchal International School, Sector - 41 D, Chandigarh family. I am greatly indebted to our worthy Chairman Sh. Rajesh Rudhra who transformed this dream into a reality by laying the Foundation Stone of Aanchal International School in 1995.
Children are our most valuable possession and every effort is made to give them the best. They are cared and reared in a very congenial environment under the guidance of very able and learned teachers. This institution has unique features which make it a school with a difference’. Ban on tuitions, as there is nothing in the name of homework, is the most distinct feature which makes it unique.
I inherit the legacy of striving for excellence which has always been the hallmark of Aanchal International School. I pray to our Sant and Saviour, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj to give me strength, vigour and power to serve Aanchal International School with magnanimity, truthfulness and diligence. Let my steps never falter even during adversity. I implore the Almighty to continue to inspire me with Guru Gobind Singh jee’s hymn-‘Shubh Karman Te Kabhoo Na Taroo’. I promise that I shall always pay heed to the voice of my conscience while taking decisions in the interest of the students, school, society and country at large.
Shabad Rudhra