General Regulations

1. The  school  day  commences  with  a  prayer  at  assembly  at  which  all  students  are

expected to be present.

2. Parents can meet the Principal on each working day at fixed time. Meetings outside the

regular time will be by appointment.

3. If a child continues to be absent  without  a leave   for more than  ten working  days in

succession, his/her name will be struck off the register.

4. No  responsibility  is  taken  for  any  valuable  article  lost  by  the  child  at  school.  We

recommend parents not to send any such valuables.

5. Nobody is allowed to meet  children or the staff  during  the school hours  without  prior

permission of the principal.

6. Children  will  be  fully  cared  for  and  protected  at  the  school,  yet  we  cannot  take

responsibility of any type or any kind of injury sustained at the school.

7. School  reserves the  right  to  dismiss any student whose  conduct is  harmful  for  other


8. The Principal shall be pleased to entertain all suggestions   pertaining to  the betterment

of the institution.


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