School Uniform



Boys :

Cream  shirt  with  short  sleeves  and  school  emblem  on  the  pocket,  red  and  black
Scottish check half pants, cream socks with two red bands, plain black shoes, school
belt, Boys from Class VI onwards should use black trousers. Red patka if required.

Girls : 


LKG to Class II

Cream short sleeved blouse with school emblem on the pocket, red and black Scottish
check pinafore, cream socks with two red bands, black ankle plain shoes, school belt.
Two red coloured ribbons or plain red hair band.

Class III to V

Girls should wear Scottish check knee length skirt with box pleats and

Class VI onwards

Scottish check divided knee length skirt  with box pleats.
Children are exempted from wearing the school tie from April to September.


Boys  and Girls :

Cream full sleeved shirt with school emblem on the pocket, black trousers,
cream socks with two red bands, school tie and belt. Red sweater with “V” neck and
two  white  lines  in  the  “V”  with  school  emblem.  Red  blazer  with  school  crest  is
compulsory. Red Patka, if required. Red ribbons (two) or plain red hair band.

The prescribed Sports Dress to be worn on Wednesday for all classes


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